Uses of Interface

Uses of LeaseEventListenerIfc in

Fields in declared as LeaseEventListenerIfc
protected  LeaseEventListenerIfc BaseLease.listener_
          The listener that will be notified when the lease expires

Methods in that return LeaseEventListenerIfc
 LeaseEventListenerIfc BaseLease.getLeaseEventListener()
          Return a reference to the listener registered with this object

Methods in with parameters of type LeaseEventListenerIfc
 MessageLease LeaseManager.createMessageLease(MessageHandle handle, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Create a message lease with the specified duration and the nominated listener.
 BaseLease LeaseManager.createLease(java.lang.Object object, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Create a lease on any object for the specified duration.

Constructors in with parameters of type LeaseEventListenerIfc
BaseLease(java.lang.Object object, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Construct an instance of this class with the specified objct, and duration
MessageLease(MessageHandle handle, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Construct an instance of this class with the specified message handle and duration.

Uses of LeaseEventListenerIfc in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr

Classes in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that implement LeaseEventListenerIfc
 class DestinationCache
          A DestinationCache is used to cache messages for a particular destination.
 class MessageLeaseHelper
          This is a helper class for registering leases for messages with LeaseManager.
 class QueueDestinationCache
          A DestinationCache for Queues
 class TopicDestinationCache
          A DestinationCache for Topics.

Uses of LeaseEventListenerIfc in org.exolab.jms.server.rmi

Classes in org.exolab.jms.server.rmi that implement LeaseEventListenerIfc
 class RmiJmsServerConnection
          This is an implementation of the RemoteJmsServerConnectionIfc interface which wraps the JmsConnection class.

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