Class TopicConsumerEndpoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
DestinationCacheEventListener, DestinationEventListener, Identifiable, java.lang.Runnable,
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TopicConsumerEndpoint
extends ConsumerEndpoint
implements DestinationEventListener

The topic destination cache is specific to a consumer that subscribes to a topic destination.

$Revision: 1.40 $ $Date: 2003/10/21 14:41:23 $
Jim Alateras
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.util.HashMap _caches
          Maintains a list of TopicDestinationCache that this endpoint subscribes too.
protected  JmsTopic _topic
          Cache the destination that this endpoint subscribes too
Fields inherited from class org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.ConsumerEndpoint
_ackMode, _connectionId, _listener, _nolocal, _scheduler, _selector, _session, _size, _transacted, _waitingForMessage, _waitingForMessageMonitor
Method Summary
 boolean deliverMessages()
          Deliver messages in the cache to the consumer
 void destinationAdded(JmsDestination destination, DestinationCache cache)
          This method is called when a new destination is added to the DestinationManager
 void destinationRemoved(JmsDestination destination, DestinationCache cache)
          This method is called when a new destination is removed from the DestinationManager
protected  void doClose()
          Closes this endpoint
 JmsDestination getDestination()
          Return the destination that this consumer is subscribed to
 boolean messageRemoved(MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a message is removed from the DestinationCache.
 boolean persistentMessageRemoved(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a message is removed from the DestinationCache.
 MessageHandle receiveMessage(long wait)
          Return the next message to the client.
 MessageHandle receiveNoWait()
          Returns the first available message
 void recover()
          This message will return all unacked messages to the queue and allow them to be resent to the consumer with the redelivery flag on.
 void unregister()
          Unregister this consumer for the specified destination cache, so that it will stop receiving messages from it.
Methods inherited from class org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.ConsumerEndpoint
addMessage, addMessage, clearMessages, clearWaitingForMessage, close, collectGarbage, collectionHasPersistentHandles, containsMessage, deleteMessage, getAckMode, getClientId, getConnectionId, getId, getMaximumSize, getMessage, getMessageCount, getNoLocal, getPersistentId, getSelector, getSession, getTransacted, hashCode, isStopped, isWaitingForMessage, messageAdded, notifyMessageAvailable, persistentMessageAdded, removeFirstMessage, removeMessage, returnMessage, run, schedule, setAckMode, setCacheEvictionPolicy, setConnectionId, setMaximumSize, setMessageListener, setNoLocal, setSelector, setStopped, setTransacted, setWaitingForMessage, stopDelivery, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.HashMap _caches
Maintains a list of TopicDestinationCache that this endpoint subscribes too. A wildcard subscription may point to more than one.


protected JmsTopic _topic
Cache the destination that this endpoint subscribes too
Method Detail


public boolean deliverMessages()
Deliver messages in the cache to the consumer
deliverMessages in class ConsumerEndpoint
true if the endpoint should be rescheduled


public MessageHandle receiveMessage(long wait)
Description copied from class: ConsumerEndpoint
Return the next message to the client. This will also mark the message as sent and move it to the sent queue
receiveMessage in class ConsumerEndpoint
Following copied from class: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.ConsumerEndpoint
wait - - the number of milliseconds to wait
MessageHandle - handle to the next message in the list


public MessageHandle receiveNoWait()
Returns the first available message


public boolean messageRemoved(MessageImpl message)
Description copied from interface: DestinationCacheEventListener
This event is called when a message is removed from the DestinationCache.
messageRemoved in class ConsumerEndpoint
Following copied from interface: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.DestinationCacheEventListener
message - - message removed from cache


public boolean persistentMessageRemoved(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                        MessageImpl message)
                                 throws PersistenceException
Description copied from interface: DestinationCacheEventListener
This event is called when a message is removed from the DestinationCache.
persistentMessageRemoved in class ConsumerEndpoint
Following copied from interface: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.DestinationCacheEventListener
connection - - the database connection
message - - message to remove from cache
PersistenceException - - if there is a persistence related problem


public JmsDestination getDestination()
Description copied from class: ConsumerEndpoint
Return the destination that this consumer is subscribed to
getDestination in class ConsumerEndpoint
Following copied from class: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.ConsumerEndpoint
the destination that this consumer is subscribed to


public void unregister()
Description copied from class: ConsumerEndpoint
Unregister this consumer for the specified destination cache, so that it will stop receiving messages from it.
unregister in class ConsumerEndpoint


public void recover()
Description copied from class: ConsumerEndpoint
This message will return all unacked messages to the queue and allow them to be resent to the consumer with the redelivery flag on.
recover in class ConsumerEndpoint


public void destinationAdded(JmsDestination destination,
                             DestinationCache cache)
Description copied from interface: DestinationEventListener
This method is called when a new destination is added to the DestinationManager
Specified by:
destinationAdded in interface DestinationEventListener
Following copied from interface: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.DestinationEventListener
destination - - destination that was added
cache - - the corresponding cache


public void destinationRemoved(JmsDestination destination,
                               DestinationCache cache)
Description copied from interface: DestinationEventListener
This method is called when a new destination is removed from the DestinationManager
Specified by:
destinationRemoved in interface DestinationEventListener
Following copied from interface: org.exolab.jms.messagemgr.DestinationEventListener
destination - - destination that was removed
cache - - the corresponding cache


protected void doClose()
Closes this endpoint
doClose in class ConsumerEndpoint

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