Uses of Class

Uses of ServerException in org.exolab.jms.server

Subclasses of ServerException in org.exolab.jms.server
 class FailedToCreateServerException
          This exception is thrown when the server cannot be instantiated..

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server that throw ServerException
 void JmsServer.init()
          Initialise the server
protected  void JmsServer.initConnectors(javax.naming.Context context)
          Creates an interface to the server for each configured connector
protected  JmsServerIfc JmsServer.initConnector(org.exolab.jms.config.Connector connector, javax.naming.Context context)
          Create an interface to the server for the specified connector
protected  void JmsServer.createRegistry()
protected  void JmsServer.initJNDIConnectors(javax.naming.Context context)
          Creates a JNDI provider interface for each connector that supports it
protected  JndiServerIfc JmsServer.initJNDIConnector(org.exolab.jms.config.ConnectorResource connector, javax.naming.Context context)
          Creates a JNDI provider interface for the specified connector
 void JmsServerIfc.init()
          Initialise the interface.
 void JmsServerIfc.bindConnectionFactories(javax.naming.Context context)
          Bind any factory object specified in the configuration file to the specified JNDI context.

Constructors in org.exolab.jms.server that throw ServerException
EmbeddedJmsServer(org.exolab.jms.config.Configuration config)
          Construct a new EmbeddedJmsServer
EmbeddedJmsServer(java.lang.String file)
          Construct a new EmbeddedJmsServer
JmsServer(org.exolab.jms.config.Configuration config)
          Construct a new JmsServer
JmsServer(java.lang.String file)
          Construct a new JmsServer, configured from the specified configuration file.

Uses of ServerException in org.exolab.jms.server.http

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server.http that throw ServerException
 void HttpJmsServer.init()
          Initialise the server
 void HttpJmsServer.bindConnectionFactories(javax.naming.Context context)
 void HttpsJmsServer.init()
          Initialise the server

Uses of ServerException in org.exolab.jms.server.mipc

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server.mipc that throw ServerException
 void IpcJmsServer.init()
          Start the Ipc service in its own thread.
 void IpcJmsServer.bindConnectionFactories(javax.naming.Context context)

Uses of ServerException in org.exolab.jms.server.rmi

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server.rmi that throw ServerException
 void RmiJmsServer.init()
          This routine binds this service with the rmiregistry.

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