Uses of Class

Packages that use URI Connector framework HTTP connector Abstract connector that multiplexes data over a physical connection Object Broker RMI connector Abstract connector that multiplexes data over a socket TCP and TCPS connectors URI parsing and helper classes Network related utility and helper classes 

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
 URI Caller.getRemoteURI()
          Returns the remote address that the client is calling from
 URI Caller.getLocalURI()
          Returns the local address that the client is calling to
 URI URIRequestInfo.getURI()
          Returns the URI.
 URI CallerImpl.getRemoteURI()
          Returns the remote address that the client is calling from
 URI CallerImpl.getLocalURI()
          Returns the local address that the client is calling to
 URI Connection.getRemoteURI()
          Returns the remote address to which this is connected
 URI Connection.getLocalURI()
          Returns the local address that this connection is bound to
 URI ManagedConnection.getRemoteURI()
          Returns the remote address to which this is connected.
 URI ManagedConnection.getLocalURI()
          Returns the local address that this connection is bound to.
 URI ManagedConnectionAcceptor.getURI()
          Returns the URI that this acceptor is accepting connections on

Methods in with parameters of type URI
 boolean AbstractConnectionManager.canConnect(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports connections to the specified URI.
 Connection AbstractConnectionManager.getConnection( principal, URI uri)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the default connection properties.
 Connection AbstractConnectionManager.getConnection( principal, URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the specified connection properties.
 boolean AbstractConnectionManager.canAccept(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports listening for new connections on the specified URI.
 void AbstractConnectionManager.accept(URI uri)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the default connection acceptor properties.
 void AbstractConnectionManager.accept(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the specified acceptor properties.
protected  ConnectionFactory AbstractConnectionManager.getFactoryForConnect(URI uri)
          Returns the first factory which can support connections to the specified URI.
protected  ConnectionFactory AbstractConnectionManager.getFactoryForAccept(URI uri)
          Returns the first factory which can accept connections on the specified URI.
 boolean ConnectionFactory.canConnect(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports connections to the specified URI.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.getConnection( principal, URI uri)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the default connection properties.
 Connection ConnectionFactory.getConnection( principal, URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the specified connection properties.
 boolean ConnectionFactory.canAccept(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports listening for new connections on the specified URI.
 void ConnectionFactory.accept(URI uri)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the default connection acceptor properties.
 void ConnectionFactory.accept(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the specified acceptor properties
static Connection ConnectionContext.getConnection(URI uri)
          Returns a connection using the principal and connection factory associated with the current thread.
 boolean AbstractConnectionFactory.canConnect(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports connections to the specified URI.
 Connection AbstractConnectionFactory.getConnection( principal, URI uri)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the default connection properties.
 Connection AbstractConnectionFactory.getConnection( principal, URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns a connection to the specified URI, using the specified connection properties.
 boolean AbstractConnectionFactory.canAccept(URI uri)
          Determines if this factory supports listening for new connections on the specified URI.
 void AbstractConnectionFactory.accept(URI uri)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the default connection acceptor properties.
 void AbstractConnectionFactory.accept(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Listen for new connections on the specified URI, using the specified acceptor properties.
protected abstract  ConnectionRequestInfo AbstractConnectionFactory.getConnectionRequestInfo(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns connection request info for the specified URI and connection properties.
protected  ConnectionRequestInfo AbstractConnectionFactory.getAcceptorRequestInfo(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns connection request info for the specified URI and connection acceptor properties.

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
URIRequestInfo(URI uri)
          Construct a new URIRequestInfo.
CallerImpl(URI remoteURI, URI localURI)
          Construct a new CallerImpl

Uses of URI in

Methods in with parameters of type URI
protected  ConnectionRequestInfo AbstractHTTPConnectionFactory.getConnectionRequestInfo(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns connection request info for the specified URI and connection properties.
protected  ConnectionRequestInfo AbstractHTTPConnectionFactory.getAcceptorRequestInfo(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns connection request info for the specified URI and connection acceptor properties.

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
HTTPRequestInfo(URI uri)
          Construct a new HTTPRequestInfo.
HTTPRequestInfo(URI uri, Properties properties)
          Construct a new HTTPRequestInfo.

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
 URI Endpoint.getURI()
          Returns the URI that the endpoint is connected to

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
protected abstract  URI AbstractORB.connect(URI uri, java.lang.String principal, java.lang.String credentials)
          Connect to the specified URI.

Methods in with parameters of type URI
protected abstract  URI AbstractORB.connect(URI uri, java.lang.String principal, java.lang.String credentials)
          Connect to the specified URI.
protected abstract  void AbstractORB.accept(URI uri)
          Accept connections on the specified URI.
protected  Proxy AbstractORB.doExportTo(java.lang.Object object, URI uri)
          Export an object to a specific URI.

Uses of URI in

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
RMIRequestInfo(URI uri)
          Construct a new RMIRequestInfo.
RMIRequestInfo(URI uri, Properties properties)
          Construct a new RMIRequestInfo.

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
 URI SocketManagedConnectionAcceptor.getURI()
          Returns the URI that this acceptor is accepting connections on.
 URI SocketManagedConnection.getRemoteURI()
          Returns the remote address to which this is connected.
 URI SocketManagedConnection.getLocalURI()
          Returns the local address that this connection is bound to.
 URI SocketManagedConnection.getAlternativeURI()
          The alternative URI that the remote address is known as.
 URI SocketEndpoint.getURI()
          Returns the URI that the endpoint is connected to
 URI SocketRequestInfo.getAlternativeURI()
          Helper to return the alternative URI.

Methods in with parameters of type URI
protected abstract  ManagedConnection SocketManagedConnectionAcceptor.createManagedConnection(URI uri, socket, Authenticator authenticator)
          Create a new server-side ManagedConnection for an accepted socket connection.
protected  void SocketManagedConnection.init(URI uri, socket)
          Initialises this connection.
protected  ConnectionRequestInfo SocketConnectionFactory.getConnectionRequestInfo(URI uri, java.util.Map properties)
          Returns connection request info for the specified URI and connection properties.

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
SocketManagedConnection(URI uri, socket, Authenticator authenticator)
          Construct a new server SocketManagedConnection.
SocketRequestInfo(URI uri)
          Construct a new SocketRequestInfo.
SocketRequestInfo(URI uri, Properties properties)
          Construct a new SocketRequestInfo.

Uses of URI in

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
TCPSRequestInfo(URI uri)
          Construct a new TCPSRequestInfo.
TCPSRequestInfo(URI uri, Properties properties)
          Construct a new TCPSRequestInfo.

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
static URI URIHelper.create(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String host, int port)
          Helper to create an URI.
static URI URIHelper.create(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String path)
          Helper to create an URI.
static URI URIHelper.create(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String path, java.util.Map params)
          Helper to create an URI.
static URI URIHelper.create(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String path, java.lang.String query)
          Helper to create an URI.
static URI URIHelper.parse(java.lang.String uri)
          Helper to parse a String to an URI.
static URI URIHelper.parse(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String scheme)
          Helper to parse an URI, verifying that it has the correct scheme.
static URI URIHelper.parseHostPort(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String scheme)
          Helper to parse an URI, verifying that it has the correct scheme, host and port specification, and no path.
static URI URIHelper.convertHostToAddress(URI uri)
          Helper to convert the host name portion of a URI to its corresponding IP address.
static URI URIHelper.getURISansQuery(URI uri)
          Returns a URI minus query/fragment.

Methods in with parameters of type URI
static URI URIHelper.convertHostToAddress(URI uri)
          Helper to convert the host name portion of a URI to its corresponding IP address.
static URIHelper.getPrincipal(URI uri)
          Returns a BasicPrincipal corresponding to the user info specified in a URI.
static URI URIHelper.getURISansQuery(URI uri)
          Returns a URI minus query/fragment.

Constructors in with parameters of type URI
URI(URI other)
          Construct a new URI from another URI.
URI(URI base, java.lang.String uriSpec)
          Construct a new URI from a base URI and a URI specification string.

Uses of URI in

Methods in that return URI
 URI Properties.getURI(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of an URI property.

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