
Interface Summary
OpenJMSNode This interface is used to provide a generic method for all elements in the node to update their children once a node is expanded.

Class Summary
AbstractAdminConnection The abstract class all AbstractAdminConnection objects must inherit from.
AdminInfo Extracts information about a queue/topic and consumer from the OpenJMSServer and displays it next to the appropriate cell, in a JTextField.
AdminMgr This class is the Gui controller for the JMS administration.
BaseDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating queue/topics and consumers.
ChangePasswordDialog A simple dialog to collect information for change password
CreateConsumerDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating a durable consumer
CreateLogonDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating a Logon
CreateQueueDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating a queue
CreateTopicDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating a topic
CreateUserDialog A simple dialog to collect information for creating a User
DatabaseFilter A file filter used by the file chooser to resitrict displayed files to files with a ".db" suffix only.
OfflineConnection Connect directly to the Persistent store to retrieve information and perfrom updates.
OnlineConnection Connects to the OpenJMSServer for all updates and requests.
OpenJMSConsumer This class controls all dispay characteristics and menus related to a consumer.
OpenJMSConsumerFolder This is a folder node, which holds all durable consumers for a particular server.
OpenJMSDestination This is the base class for all destination nodes.
OpenJMSEditor A gui to be used for editing cells.
OpenJMSObject This is the base class for all nodes.
OpenJMSQueue Extends the OpenJMSDestination node and defines a queue specific node
OpenJMSQueueFolder This is a folder node, which holds all administered topics
OpenJMSServer This class controls all dispay characteristics and menus related to an OpenJMSServer.
OpenJMSTopic Extends the OpenJMSDestination node and defines a topic specific node
OpenJMSTopicFolder This is a folder node, which holds all administered topics
OpenJMSUser Extends the OpenJMSObject node
QueryDialog A generic query dialaog, used to confirm all add/delete operations.

Exception Summary
OfflineConnectionException Error when the admin manager fails to open the specified database in offline mode.
OnlineConnectionException Error when the admin mgr fails to connect to the named RMI server,

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