Uses of Interface

Packages that use GarbageCollectable

Uses of GarbageCollectable in org.exolab.jms.gc

Methods in org.exolab.jms.gc with parameters of type GarbageCollectable
 void GarbageCollectionService.register(GarbageCollectable entry)
          Register an entity that wishes to participate in the garbage collection process.
 void GarbageCollectionService.unregister(GarbageCollectable entry)
          Unregister the specified entry from the list of garbge collectable entities

Uses of GarbageCollectable in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr

Subinterfaces of GarbageCollectable in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr
 interface DestinationCache
          A DestinationCache is used to cache messages for a particular destination.
 interface DestinationManager
          DestinationManager is responsible for creating and managing the lifecycle of DestinationCache objects.

Classes in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that implement GarbageCollectable
 class AbstractDestinationCache
          Abstract implementation of the DestinationCache interface.
 class DestinationManagerImpl
          The destination manager is responsible for creating and managing the lifecycle of DestinationCache objects.
 class QueueDestinationCache
          A DestinationCache for queues.

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