Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageImpl

Uses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.client

Methods in org.exolab.jms.client with parameters of type MessageImpl
 boolean JmsMessageListener.onMessage(MessageImpl message)
          Deliver a message.

Uses of MessageImpl in

Methods in that return MessageImpl
 MessageImpl JmsSessionStubImpl.receiveNoWait(long consumerId)
          Return the next available mesage to the specified consumer.
 MessageImpl JmsSessionStubImpl.receive(long consumerId, long wait)
          Return the next available message to the specified consumer.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageImpl
 void JmsSessionStubImpl.send(MessageImpl message)
          Send a message.
 boolean JmsSessionStubImpl.onMessage(MessageImpl message)
          Deliver a message.

Uses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.message

Subclasses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.message
 class BytesMessageImpl
          This class implements the BytesMessage interface.
 class MapMessageImpl
          This class implements the MapMessage interface.
 class ObjectMessageImpl
          This class implements the javax.jms.ObjectMessage interface.
 class StreamMessageImpl
          This class implements the StreamMessage interface.
 class TextMessageImpl
          This class implements the javax.jms.TextMessage interface

Uses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that return MessageImpl
 MessageImpl MessageRef.getMessage()
          Returns the message associated with this reference.
 MessageImpl AbstractMessageHandle.getMessage()
          Returns the message associated with this handle.
 MessageImpl MessageHandle.getMessage()
          Returns the message associated with this handle.
 MessageImpl MessageCache.getMessage(MessageRef reference)
          Returns the message corresponding to the specified reference

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr with parameters of type MessageImpl
 void MessageManagerEventListener.messageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageManager receives a non-persistent message.
 void MessageManagerEventListener.persistentMessageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageManager receives a persistent message.
 boolean AbstractConsumerEndpoint.selects(MessageImpl message)
          Determines if a message is selected by the consumer.
 boolean QueueBrowserEndpoint.messageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a non-persistent message is added to a DestinationCache..
 boolean QueueBrowserEndpoint.persistentMessageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a persistent message is added to the DestinationCache.
 void MessageMgr.prepare(MessageImpl message)
          Prepares a message prior to it being passed through the system.
 void MessageMgr.add(MessageImpl message)
          Add a message.
 boolean ConsumerEndpoint.selects(MessageImpl message)
          Determines if a message is selected by the consumer.
protected  void AbstractDestinationCache.addMessage(MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message)
          Add a message reference and its corresponding message to the cache
protected  void AbstractDestinationCache.checkMessageExpiry(MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message)
          Check to see if the message has a TTL.
 void ResourceManager.logPublishedMessage(javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid, MessageImpl message)
          Log this published message so that it can be passed through the system when the associated global transaction commits.
 void MessageManager.prepare(MessageImpl message)
          Prepares a message prior to it being passed through the system.
 void MessageManager.add(MessageImpl message)
          Add a message.
 boolean QueueConsumerEndpoint.messageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a non-persistent message is added to a DestinationCache.
 boolean QueueConsumerEndpoint.persistentMessageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a persistent message is added to the DestinationCache.
 void QueueDestinationCache.messageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageMgr receives a non-persistent message.
 void QueueDestinationCache.persistentMessageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageMgr receives a persistent message.
protected  void QueueDestinationCache.addMessage(MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message, MessageHandle handle)
          Add a message, and notify any listeners.
protected  void QueueDestinationCache.notifyQueueListeners(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          Notify queue browsers that a message has arrived.
 void MessageCache.addMessage(MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message)
          Add a reference and its corresponding message to the cache
 void DestinationManagerImpl.messageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageManager receives a non-persistent message.
 void DestinationManagerImpl.persistentMessageAdded(JmsDestination destination, MessageImpl message)
          Invoked when the MessageManager receives a persistent message.

Constructors in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr with parameters of type MessageImpl
AbstractMessageHandle(DestinationCache cache, MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message)
          Construct a new AbstractMessageHandle.
PersistentMessageHandle(MessageImpl message, java.lang.String persistentId)
          Construct a new PersistentMessageHandle, for a particular consumer.

Uses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.persistence

Methods in org.exolab.jms.persistence that return MessageImpl
abstract  MessageImpl PersistenceAdapter.getMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, java.lang.String id)
          Get a message from the persistence store.
 MessageImpl RDBMSAdapter.getMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, java.lang.String id)

Methods in org.exolab.jms.persistence with parameters of type MessageImpl
abstract  void PersistenceAdapter.addMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageImpl message)
          Add a new message to the database.
abstract  void PersistenceAdapter.updateMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageImpl message)
          Update this message in the database
 void RDBMSAdapter.addMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageImpl message)
 void RDBMSAdapter.updateMessage(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageImpl message)

Uses of MessageImpl in org.exolab.jms.server

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server that return MessageImpl
 MessageImpl ServerSession.receiveNoWait(long consumerId)
          Return the next available mesage to the specified consumer.
 MessageImpl ServerSession.receive(long consumerId, long wait)
          Return the next available message to the specified consumer.

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server with parameters of type MessageImpl
 void ServerSession.send(MessageImpl message)
          Send a message.

Uses of MessageImpl in

Methods in that return MessageImpl
 MessageImpl RemoteServerSession.receiveNoWait(long consumerId)
          Return the next available mesage to the specified consumer.
 MessageImpl RemoteServerSession.receive(long consumerId, long wait)
          Return the next available message to the specified consumer.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageImpl
 void RemoteServerSession.send(MessageImpl message)
          Send a message.

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