Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageHandle

Uses of MessageHandle in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr

Classes in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that implement MessageHandle
 class AbstractMessageHandle
          Abstract implementation of the MessageHandle interface.
 class PersistentMessageHandle
          A persistent message handle extends MessageHandle and references a persistent message.

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that return MessageHandle
 MessageHandle AbstractConsumerEndpoint.receive(Condition cancel)
          Return the next available message to the client.
protected abstract  MessageHandle AbstractConsumerEndpoint.doReceive(Condition cancel)
          Return the next available message to the client.
protected  MessageHandle QueueBrowserEndpoint.doReceive(Condition cancel)
          Return the next available message to the client.
 MessageHandle ConsumerEndpoint.receive(Condition cancel)
          Return the next available message to the client.
protected  MessageHandle QueueConsumerEndpoint.doReceive(Condition cancel)
          Return the next available message to the client.
 MessageHandle QueueDestinationCache.getMessage(Selector selector, Condition cancel)
          Returns the first available message matching the supplied message selector.

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr with parameters of type MessageHandle
 boolean QueueBrowserEndpoint.messageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a non-persistent message is added to a DestinationCache..
 boolean QueueBrowserEndpoint.persistentMessageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a persistent message is added to the DestinationCache.
 void QueueListener.onMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          This method is called when a new message is added to a queue cache
 void DestinationCache.returnMessageHandle(MessageHandle handle)
          Return a message handle back to the cache, to recover unsent or unacknowledged messages.
 void ResourceManager.logReceivedMessage(javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid, long id, MessageHandle handle)
          Log that this message handle was sent to the consumer within the specified global transaction identity.
protected  void AbstractMessageHandle.release(MessageHandle handle)
          Release the message handle back to the cache, to recover an unsent or unacknowledged message.
 boolean QueueConsumerEndpoint.messageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a non-persistent message is added to a DestinationCache.
 boolean QueueConsumerEndpoint.persistentMessageAdded(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          This event is called when a persistent message is added to the DestinationCache.
 void QueueDestinationCache.returnMessageHandle(MessageHandle handle)
          Return a message handle back to the cache, to recover unsent or unacknowledged messages.
protected  void QueueDestinationCache.addMessage(MessageRef reference, MessageImpl message, MessageHandle handle)
          Add a message, and notify any listeners.
protected  void QueueDestinationCache.notifyQueueListeners(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          Notify queue browsers that a message has arrived.

Uses of MessageHandle in org.exolab.jms.persistence

Methods in org.exolab.jms.persistence with parameters of type MessageHandle
abstract  java.util.Vector PersistenceAdapter.getMessages(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
          Get at least the next message given the specified persistent handle.
abstract  void PersistenceAdapter.addMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
          Add the specified persistent message handle.
abstract  void PersistenceAdapter.updateMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
          Update the specified persistent message handle.
abstract  void PersistenceAdapter.removeMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
          Remove the specified persistent message handle.
 java.util.Vector RDBMSAdapter.getMessages(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
 void RDBMSAdapter.addMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
 void RDBMSAdapter.updateMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)
 void RDBMSAdapter.removeMessageHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, MessageHandle handle)

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