News and Status

This document contains the latest news and status regarding the OpenJMS project.

June ??, 2006 - OpenJMS 0.7.7-beta-1 released

See the Release Notes for more details.

December 26, 2005 - OpenJMS 0.7.7-alpha-3 released

See the Release Notes for more details.

June 17, 2005 - OpenJMS 0.7.7-alpha-1 released

This represents the first release of the OpenJMS 0.7.7 codebase.

See the Release Notes for more details.

May 7, 2004 - OpenJMS released

This is a maintenance release for OpenJMS 0.7.6.

See the Changes Report for a complete list of the changes in

January 29, 2004 - OpenJMS 0.7.6 released

See the Changes Report for a complete list of the changes in 0.7.6.

Note: the 0.7.6 release will be the last release to support the JDBM database. There are no plans to provide a tool to migrate data from a JDBM database to a JDBC database.

November 2, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.6 RC3 released

This fixes the following bugs in the RC2 release:

  • 819212 - Failed to delete the message with id=ID:..
  • 823331 - Can't acknowledge message after republishing
  • 827545 - non-persistent msgs to non durable subscriber not expiring
  • 826378 - errors in oracle table script
  • 816895 - Exception in purgeMessages.
  • 831535 - Cannot connect to DB after idle several hours.
  • 832157 - Remove LeaseManagerConfiguration.

September 26, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.6 RC2 released

This fixes a number of bugs in the RC1 release:

  • 796633 - openjms.bat script terminates command prompt
  • 797284 - http connector: Failed to process request
  • 806378 - HTTPS connector configuration documentation incomplete
  • 806377 - HTTPS connector shouldn't convert host names
  • 810972 - sh scripts are in windows format
  • 811702 - Can administratively remove active durable consumer

August 26, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.6 RC1 released

This is the first release to include authentication support.

May 21, 2003 - JMS CTS moves to a new home

The Java Message Service Compliance Test Suite (JMS CTS), been spun out into a new project, at

Its license has also been changed to the Exolab Project open source license.

May 10, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.5 is released!

This contains a few cosmetic changes since the 0.7.5 RC1 release. See the Changes Report for a complete list of the changes in 0.7.5.

April 15, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.5 RC1 released

We have managed to sort out most of the issues related to TCP, HTTP and HTTPS. OpenJMS also has improved realtime garbage collection for persistent messages so there is no need to schedule batch garbage collection.

January 24, 2003 - OpenJMS 0.7.4 released!

This version has substantial changes to the memory management and overall stability and performance of the OpenJMS server. It fixes bugs with the TCP and HTTP connector as well as a number of bugs with transacted sessions, QueueBrowser, and IntraVM support.

See the Changes Report for a complete list of the changes in 0.7.4.

November 15, 2002 - OpenJMS released!

This build fixes corrects a problem with the TCP connector introduced in the 0.7.3 release.

This release fixes some problems with transacted sessions and the Queue messaging model. It also has a more efficient implementation of receive() and resolves some outstanding issues with temporary destinations. Finally it provides a sample configuration file to install OpenJMS as a service using Wrapper.exe

See the Changes Report for a complete list of the changes in

February 01, 2002 - OpenJMS v0.7.2 is now available!

The latest version once again includes a revamped configuration file, which is more coherent and simpler to use. To ease the conversion pain we have provided a utility to convert old configuration files to the new format.

The new version of OpenJMS has fixed the intermittent bug with persistent messages and RDBMS databases. It also provides support for HTTP and HTTPS connectors to facilitate communication across interposing firewalls and NATs. Additionally, the OpenJMS server provides limited support for the configuration of multiple connectors, which could be used to provide both secure and non-secure access to the same server.

Several critical JMS specification bugs have been resolved, in particular those related to durable subscribers, selectors, and connection factories. We have further developed the CTS (Compliance Test Suite), which now runs some 10000 tests on the OpenJMS server to ensure that we remain compliant with the specification. The CTS is not part of our open source offering but remains crucial to the product's quality assurance.

To further automate our testing process we have released a soak test framework, based on Jakarta ANT, which can be used to automate end-to-end OpenJMS testing. The framework is used internally to test the numerous combinations of transports and databases. To start using the framework read the README file in the src/soak directory.

In the next release we will be looking at improving the number of concurrent connections that a server can support as well as the throughput of persistent messages on RDBMS databases.

September 27, 2001 - OpenJMS 0.7 released!

OpenJMS v0.7 has increased performance through refactoring of key packages. It is now able to support large number of administered destinations and durable consumers (> 10000), with improved resource management and new services. SSL support has been added to the IPC connection using Sun Microsystems JSSE implementation. We have also successfully configured OpenJMS to run across the internet with interposing firewalls an NATs between the client and the server.

OpenJMS is also more compliant to the JMS specification than ever before. Our JMS Compliance Test Suite (CTS), which is a new project, aims to exercise all aspects of the specification. We are currently on track to achieve 80-90% coverage with the next 4-5 weeks.

Jun 9, 2001 - OpenJMS 0.6 released

OpenJMS v0.6 is a stable and reliable implementation of the JMS specifications. We have introduced in-memory and database based garbage collection, which helps maintain a small memory footprint. The latest version now supports the ExceptionListener facility and automatic client disconnection detection for both the RMI and MIPC protocols. In addition, the MIPC protocol is ideal to embed the OpenJMS client into an applet. This version has resolved many of the bug reports and has improved the server's persistent message throughput. Although, the extent of the changes does mean that we are no longer compatible with earlier versions of OpenJMS. In particular, this will effect users that have an existing database of persistent messages and want to upgrade to the latest version.

November 11, 2000 - OpenJMS 0.5 released

OpenJMS 0.5 is a feature complete implementation of Sun Microsystems' JMS 1.0.2 Specification excluding the XA application server facility support. We have improved the general reliability of the (IPC, RMI and IntraVM) servers. In addition, we have extended our RDBMS support by covering Sybase, Oracle, MySQL and Postgres. Selectors have stabilized and performance has improved. This version also supports Topic Hierarchy, part of the Application Server Facility specification, client-server flow control and queue browser. Finally, this version facilitates the deployment of JMS clients inside an Applet.

September 13, 2000 - OpenJMS 0.4 is released

OpenJMS v0.4 now includes full support for the SQL-92 selectors, as outlined in the JMS 1.0.2 specifications. Through the use of Castor JDO, the persistency mechanism now supports both the JDBM and RDBMS adapters. OpenJMS should now be able to support all databases supported by Castor. Testing so far has only been conducted on Oracle 8i.1.6 and Sybase 12. The testharness has been significantly improved to run through and test all configurations of the OpenJMS server.

July 18, 2000 - OpenJMS v0.3 is released

This release doesn't include many more features over and above those introduced in 0.2.1. It improves the reliability of the TCP connector and general stability of the product. It also extends the test coverage of the JMS client. Finally, this release, includes all the code required to support SQL-92 selectors, as outlined in the JMS 1.0.2 specifications (thanks to Tim Anderson).

June 23, 2000 - OpenJMS v0.2.1 is released

This is an interim release that fixes some bugs in the 0.2 release, introduces a TCP/IP connector and improves the performance of persistent message delivery. It also supports TemporaryTopic and TemporaryQueue objects and extends the coverage of the test harness.

June 1, 2000

OpenJMS v0.2 is released. The release support both persistent and non-persistent delivery modes in addition to both point-to-point and publish-subscribe messaging models.

March 28, 2000

OpenJMS announced at the O'Reilly Java Conference.

March 1, 2000

OpenJMS, an open source implementation of the JMS 1.0.2 specifications is launched.