Uses of Interface

Uses of MessageHandle in

Methods in with parameters of type MessageHandle
 MessageLease LeaseManager.createMessageLease(MessageHandle handle, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Create a message lease with the specified duration and the nominated listener.

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageHandle
MessageLease(MessageHandle handle, long duration, LeaseEventListenerIfc listener)
          Construct an instance of this class with the specified message handle and duration.

Uses of MessageHandle in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr

Classes in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that implement MessageHandle
 class PersistentMessageHandle
          A persistent message handle extends MessageHandle and references a persistent message.
 class TransientMessageHandle
          A message handle is used to indirectly reference a message in the message manager.

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr that return MessageHandle
abstract  MessageHandle ConsumerEndpoint.receiveMessage(long wait)
          Return the next message to the client.
protected  MessageHandle ConsumerEndpoint.removeFirstMessage()
          Return the first message handle in the cache
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.getHandle(MessageImpl message)
          Retrieve a TransientMessageHandle given the specified message, irrespective of whether it is a persistent or non-persistent message.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.getHandle(QueueDestinationCache queue, MessageImpl message)
          Retrieve a MessageHandle from the specified QueueConsumerEndpoint and message.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.getHandle(JmsDestination dest, java.lang.String name, MessageImpl message)
          Use the message, destination and optionally, the consumer name to retrieve a message handle.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.getHandle(ConsumerEndpoint consumer, MessageImpl message)
          Retrieve a message handle for the specified ConsumerEndpoint and message.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createHandle(QueueDestinationCache queue, MessageImpl message)
          Create a transient handle for a message belonging to a queue.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createHandle(DurableConsumerEndpoint durable, MessageImpl message)
          Create a transient message handle for a durable consumer
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createHandle(JmsDestination dest, java.lang.String name, MessageImpl message)
          Create a transient message handle.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createPersistentHandle(TransientMessageHandle handle)
          Create a PersistentMessageHandle from the specified TransientMessageHandle.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createPersistentHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, QueueDestinationCache queue, MessageImpl message)
          Create a persistent message handle belonging to a queue.
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createPersistentHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, DurableConsumerEndpoint durable, MessageImpl message)
          Create a persistent handle for a message belonging to a particular durable consumer
static MessageHandle MessageHandleFactory.createPersistentHandle(java.sql.Connection connection, JmsDestination dest, java.lang.String name, MessageImpl message)
          Create a persistent message handle from the destination and consumer name
 MessageHandle QueueBrowserEndpoint.receiveMessage(long wait)
 MessageHandle QueueConsumerEndpoint.receiveMessage(long wait)
 MessageHandle QueueDestinationCache.getMessage(QueueConsumerEndpoint endpoint)
          Return the first message of the queue or null if there are no messages in the cache
 MessageHandle TopicConsumerEndpoint.receiveMessage(long wait)
 MessageHandle TopicConsumerEndpoint.receiveNoWait()
          Returns the first available message

Methods in org.exolab.jms.messagemgr with parameters of type MessageHandle
 void ConsumerEndpoint.returnMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Return the specified message to the cache.
protected  void ConsumerEndpoint.addMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Add the handle to the cache
protected  void ConsumerEndpoint.addMessage(MessageHandle handle, MessageImpl message)
          Cache a handle and its corresponding message
protected  MessageImpl ConsumerEndpoint.getMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Return the message for the specified handle
protected  boolean ConsumerEndpoint.removeMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Remove the handle from the cache
protected  boolean ConsumerEndpoint.containsMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Determines if a message handle is already cached
protected  void ConsumerEndpoint.deleteMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Delete the message with the specified handle from the cache
protected  MessageImpl DestinationCache.resolveExpiredMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Resolve an expired message through its handle
 void InternalMessageListener.onMessage(MessageHandle message, boolean ack)
          Send the specified message to the client.
 void MessageLeaseHelper.addLease(MessageHandle handle)
          Add a lease for the handle to notify listener when message expires.
 void MessageMgr.handleDestroyed(MessageHandle handle)
          Notify the destruction of a handle.
 void QueueBrowserEndpoint.returnMessage(MessageHandle handle)
 void QueueDestinationCache.returnMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Return the specified message to top of the queue.
 void ResourceManager.logReceivedMessage(javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid, java.lang.String id, MessageHandle handle)
          Log that this message handle was sent to the consumer within the specified global transaction identity.
protected  MessageImpl TopicDestinationCache.resolveExpiredMessage(MessageHandle handle)
          Resolve an expired message through its handle

Uses of MessageHandle in org.exolab.jms.server

Methods in org.exolab.jms.server with parameters of type MessageHandle
 boolean JmsServerSession.containsUnackedHandle(MessageHandle handle)
          Check if the specified message handle is in the session's list of unacked messages
 void JmsServerSession.onMessage(MessageHandle handle, boolean ignore)

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